Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

The purpose of the Phase I Site Assessment is to identify recognized environmental conditions in connection with a property; to identify other existing or potential environmental hazards including but not limited to asbestos containing building materials, lead-paint, and radon to recommend whether further investigation is required and; to provide knowledge as to the full range of environmental issues and liabilities associated with a property.
We have been conducting quality Phase I environmental site assessment studies since 1987, serving a wide range of clients including banks, developers, property managers, federal, state, and local government agencies, commercial and industrial businesses and individuals. Our projects, large and small, are located throughout the western United States.
- Experienced and well trained professional staff
- ASTM and regulatory compliant standards
- More than 2,850 site assessments completed
- Commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural, open lands
- Reasonably priced
- Quick turnaround times (10 working days or less)
- Clear recommendations for easy reading
- Solutions to regulatory questions
- Service area everywhere west of the Mississippi River
- ASTM-compliant Transaction Screen Assessments