Environmental Cleanup and Reclamation
Hazardous material issues present seemingly complex obstacles to buying a property, obtaining a loan, completing a project or simply moving forward in business. The E-Quest Corporation provides straightforward, reasonably-priced, environmental cleanup and reclamation solutions to regulatory and hazardous materials challenges. Our focus is keeping you, your family and your employees safe from hazardous material dangers, whether those dangers are to health and safety or of a regulatory nature. Contact E-Quest to discuss how we can quickly and effectively mitigate your hazardous material issues.
E-Quest cleanup and reclamation services include:
- Hazardous waste excavation and removal
- Construction waste excavation and removal
- Underground storage tank and petroleum-contaminated soil excavation and removal
- In-situ soil and groundwater treatment
- Voluntary cleanup programs and mine reclamation.
Some industry applications include:
- Mine and construction engineering
- Mine site characterization and reclamation
- Buried waste excavation and removal
- Landfill reclamation
- Underground storage tank removal
- Petroleum hydrocarbon remediation
- Heavy metal clean-up
- Pesticide-contaminated soils
- Construction and hazardous waste cleanups
- Solutions to regulatory questions
E-Quest offers reasonably-priced, fast turn-around solutions to your Cleanup and Reclamation projects.