Radon Inspections and Testing

According to the Surgeon General, the radioactive gas, radon, is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The U.S. EPA recommends radon mitigation measures be taken if the results of one long-term or average of two short-term tests air-born radon levels in your home are 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) (148 Bq/m3) or greater. With over 3 decades of experience guiding us, E-Quest provides radon inspections and testing both as part of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, and as an individual service. Under the AARST National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP), E-Quest is certified as an Analytical Laboratory and Residential Measurement Provider.
- Commercial, industrial and residential properties
- Military facilities and schools
- State-of-the-art E-Perm devices
- More than 10,000 radon monitors placed
- Quick turnaround times (10 working days or less)
- Long term testing if needed
- Concise and detailed reports with clear recommendations
- Reasonably-priced
- Solutions to regulatory questions